Get the support you need with any of these links. Ol’ Normie can help out too!


Mental Health
Current vape users are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression compared to those who have never vaped.
Toxic Components
The heavy metals found in vapes have been linked to respiratory diseases, including lung cancer.
Most nicotine comes from tobacco plants. Millions of trees are cut down every year by the tobacco industry so they can plant more tobacco.
If you’ve caught yourself thinking about vaping when you wake up, or looking forward to it when you have downtime, your habit may qualify as an addiction.
Vaping costs up to $1,500 per year.
Big Tobacco
Big Tobacco targets teens. Over 75% of students nationally have reported seeing e-cigarette ads on TV and other mediums—especially the internet.
Pep Talk
“Hey! Norm here. Click the speaker to hear the best pep talk you’ve ever heard!”
